
“Every individual has a corresponding set of individual needs. Some students are older, some students are younger and some students want a particular type of relationship”
– SMC “Customized to your needs” Policy

by SMC Jeffy

BECOME MORE LIKEABLE IN LESS TIME… if you’re tired of being ignored, invisible, and not having the social life you want, you’ve come to the right place. This program is your first step toward becoming someone who people want to spend time with, who attracts people instead of pursuing them. There’s no substitute for learning how to be better from someone who is better. 
This is a hard hitting, actionable and fast paced 5 hour program. A fire hose of action steps, exercises, and material to rapidly help you step into who you were always meant to be. Step in your new and more charismatic self with Jeffy’s 5 Hour Charisma.

by SMC Jeffy

THE CHARISMA BREAKTHROUGH… Become the person people want to be around. The person people look to. The version of yourself that commands respect and the attention of the people around you. Drastically increase your social game by stepping into the confidence that will allow you to effortlessly connect with anyone anywhere. Get direct charisma and confidence coaching with Jeff and kiss the old you goodbye.

by Owen Cook

CHANGE HOW PEOPLE SEE YOU… Owen’s most elite program intentionally designed to help you step into who you were meant to be. Hone 4 key areas of transformation to finally begin to effortlessly attract the kind of relationships you want. Learn how Owen approaches making a living adding value to the world and doing what you love, and how you can too.

by SMC Julien

TRANSFORM THE INTERNAL… and the external will follow. Work 1-on-1 with Julien himself to force the kind of deep-level positive change that affects every aspect of your life. Unravel your past trauma and let go of emotional burdens that continue to sour your interactions years later. In this way Julien will guide you to eventually discover the real root cause of your problems… setting the stage for a permanent, system-wide transformation.

by SMC Julien

High Vibe Communication is the Ultimate Social Skills program created by the World’s #1 Coach. Learn how to start and deepen new relationships, how to make those around you feel great to know you; and improve every existing relationship by learning the secrets of 15+ years of Coaching Social Skills.

by Owen Cook

NEVER HAVE A BAD NIGHT AGAIN… The Hot Seat At Home Mastermind is designed to show you how to stay zen all night long. Break down the limiting beliefs keeping you wrapped in anxiety so you can discover the *real* unfiltered you. In this way you’ll learn how to exude the kind of intoxicating energy that drives people to open up and connect without even thinking about it.

by SMC Julien

LET GO OF EGO… so you can experience a level of social freedom most people have forgotten exists. Transformation Mastery is *only* for those seeking a full and total transformation of themselves. It’s Julien’s way of walking you step by step through the process of re-establishing contact with your unfiltered self, free of judgment and ego. Confront the parts of yourself that resist change, allow the healing process to start, and learn to manifest that positive energy in social interactions.

by SMC Julien

STAND ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS… and you’ll reach heights you never thought possible. Transformation Mastery Academy combines a 12-month action-based program with a strong support network to ensure accountability. Follow missions to accelerate the transformation process. Discover the best possible version of yourself and wake up every day with effortless confidence.